Carol Ferring Shepley

A fifth-generation St. Louisan, Carol Shepley was inspired by stories her parents and grandparents told. An award-winning author, she also wrote Movers and Shakers, Scalawags and Suffragettes: Tales from Bellefontaine Cemetery (2008), Lori’s Lessons (2013) and Kathy Buist, Luminous Sites (2015). She taught art history at Maryville, wrote art criticism for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and researched financial issues for Money magazine. Shepley is married and the mother of three daughters.
City Corner: Carol Shepley – City Corner
Host Steve Potter talks with Carol Shepley as she talks about the updated version of her book, St. Louis: An Illustrated Timeline.
A Look At St. Louis’ Timeline – St. Louis Public Radio
As St. Louis celebrates 250 years, several books have explored the city’s history. Add one more to the list, but this one tells the tales through timelines.
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