Amy Gordon

Born and raised on Long Island on the outskirts of New York City, Amy Gordon has always been drawn to the beach life. After graduating from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, her passion for experiencing the world led her to a successful career in hospitality marketing and, ultimately, to her dream of travel writing. During a last-minute vacation, Puerto Rico grabbed hold of her soul and refused to let go. She relocated to the charmingly rustic island of Vieques, where she lives with her dog, Brandy.
Journeywoman Live: Puerto Rico, with Amy Gordon and Carolyn Ray – The Journeywoman
100 Things to Do in Puerto Rico Before You Die.
(Mostly) Gone Are The Days Of The Intro-To-Craft-Beer Book – Forbes
100 Things to do in Puerto Rico Before You Die, Amy Gordon: Gotta be honest, I’m sorta freaking out right now.
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