Title: The Hill: St. Louis’s Italian American Neighborhood
Author: LynnMarie Alexander
Size: 11 x 11
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781681062884
Price: $39.95
New Book Explores the History & Heritage of the Hill, St. Louis’s Neighborhood –
A new book from St.Louis-based Reedy Press tells the story of the city's beloved Italian enclave. The Hill: St. Louis's Italian American Neighborhood by LynnMarie Alexander is available wherever books are sold.
The Hill: St. Louis’s Italian American Neighborhood – St. Louis In Tune
The Hill is an enduring neighborhood in the St. Louis area and has maintained its identity since the late 19th century. Generations of residents have continued to live, worship, work, and entertain together forming a unique bond which is celebrated
In ‘The Hill,’ A Third-Generation Author Explores St. Louis’ Italian Bastion – St. Louis on the Air
Everybody has a favorite spot on the Hill. St. Louis’ Italian neighborhood has long been a draw for both suburbanites and tourists, offering a host of restaurants that have been run by the same families for generations — and a
Glossy books explore the Hill, fire stations and watercolor art of St. Louis – St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Author Lynnmarie Alexander gives “The Hill” a subtitle that defines what everybody in this area already knows: “St. Louis’s Italian-American Neighborhood.”
Talk of the Towns: 11.18.20 – Town & Style
LynnMarie Alexander can tell you all about the city’s beloved Italian enclave. In fact, she already has. She’d been “nogginating” on telling her neighborhood’s story for about five years and put pen to paper in January, and Reedy Press just
Local third generation Italian American writes book about The Hill – Show Me St. Louis
Take a walk down memory lane on The Hill.
Tim’s Travels: Café Dolce on The Hill – FOX2
There are many historic restaurants and businesses in The Hill neighborhood, but this morning Tim Ezell checked out one of the new kids on the block. Café Dolce has been on The Hill for four months now. They serve a
First Person One on One: “The Hill” – HEC Media
A conversation with LynneMarie Alexander, author of The Hill, a new coffee table book with personal accounts and photos of the famous St. Louis Italian neighborhood.