Erin Sturm

Erin Sturm is the creator and founder of Stateline Kids, a community guide for kids events, activities, and information in the greater Rockford, Illinois area. The site,, launched in 2018 to help families make the most out of the resources and attractions in the Stateline area. Erin is also the owner of The Sturm Agency which offers consulting, speaking, and freelance writing services in the topics of hyperlocal marketing and social media marketing.
Rockford mom makes kid-friendly outings easier to find – WNIJ
Six years ago, a Rockford woman created a resource to help parents find extracurricular activities to participate in with their children. These gems are now in a book. "Best Mom Rockford" is the name of Erin Sturm’s new book. Sturm is
Stateline Kids shows off new book ‘Best Mom Rockford’ – Good Day Stateline
Erin Sturm from Stateline Kids is back with us tonight to talk about her new book Best Mom Rockford and where you can find the book.
“Best Mom Rockford” shows stateliners the best Forest City events – 23 WIFR
Showing parents, grandparents and families some of the best places and activities to take kids in the Forest City, Best Mom Rockford by Erin Sturm provides insight from a local mom who offers inside tips and hidden gems for kids