Elizabeth Rosario

Elizabeth Rosario, has an MBA from Colorado State University and a BS from Florida State University. She is the business manager at Jackson Properties and a mother of three—Nikki, Gabe, and Emma. She is part of Leadership Tallahassee Class 35, Leadership Florida Class 39, 25 Women You Need to Know in Tallahassee, and a board member for both the Tallahassee Museum and Choose Tallahassee. She is also a selfpublished author and a speaker. You can find her at www.elyrosario.com or on Instagram @elyrunslife.
10 very Tallahassee things to do, places to eat, adventures to take – Tallahassee Democrat
“Thank you for inspiring me to get out and see Tallahassee through different eyes,” said my friend Erin when I shared my book, 100 Things to Do in Tallahassee Before You Die.
SCOM Alumna Publishes Book about Tallahassee – Florida State University News & Events
School of Communication alumna Elizabeth “Ely” Rosario recently published her 3rd book, 100 Things to Do in Tallahassee Before You Die.