Title: Secret Boston: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure
Author: Kim Foley MacKinnon
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781681062105
Price: $20.95
What Boston landmark was first envisioned in a newspaper column? Which of the city’s nicknames was originally meant as an insult? What is the story with that costumed bear playing music in the T? You’ll find the answers to these questions and many more in Secret Boston—a guide to the unknown, strange, forgotten, and wonderful places and people that make up the Hub of the Universe. In a city with this much history, the mists of time are bound to hide more than a few hidden gems. Learn the fascinating history of the area’s more unique landmarks, quirkier places, and legends, generally known only to locals, and sometimes not even by them. Learn about the building that announces the weather by color. Hear the stories behind the tourist stops, like the person who rowed out to the USS Constitution and sawed off its figurehead or the iconic Boston sight created by a nun. Author and longtime local Kim Foley MacKinnon brings an insider’s perspective to revealing the secrets of this historic and creative city. Even those who think they know everything about Boston will be surprised by some of its forgotten history, hard-to-find landmarks, and colorful characters.