Title: Secret Cleveland: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure
Author: Deb Thompson and Tonya Prater
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781681061085
Price: $20.95
Take a journey to explore hidden nooks and crannies, that you never knew existed in Cleveland, without leaving your home. Haunted locales, “World’s largest”, odd sights, noteworthy inventions, unique foods and more exist among the pages of Secret Cleveland: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful and Obscure. Discover where you can:
- find a cure for your cravings
- see a weeping angel
- visit Lake Erie whales
- walk in the footsteps of giants
- take a bridge to nowhere
- explore roadside attractions
- visit the crypt of an ex-president
- learn about a misplaced historical marker
If you dare, take a leap down rabbit holes you never knew existed as you tour through ninety often overlooked gems in the greater Cleveland area. From bizarre to funny to surprising, you’ll learn what makes Cleveland such a diverse and interesting destination to visit or call home. Never a boring moment, Secret Cleveland is a literary trip that will keep you wondering what you’ll discover on the next page as it walks you through attractions in Greater Cleveland, Bay Village, Lorain, and Medina, to name a few.