What’s With Cincinnati?: The Quirks, Personality, and Charm of the Queen City





Title: What’s With Cincinnati?: The Quirks, Personality, and Charm of the the Queen City
Author: Micha O’Connor
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781681064970
Price: $22.50

Porkopolis. City of Seven Hills. The Queen City. Whatever you call it, Cincinnati is home to two million who live and work in and around the city. A mix of Midwestern charm and industry, Cincinnati is a boon town on the cusp of a revival. With two major league sports teams, the nation’s best zoo, a world-class art scene, pivotal American history, and enough beer to float a steamboat, visitors may find themselves with questions. Questions like:

  • What’s with all the pigs?
  • What’s with the murals?
  • Why are so many movies filmed in Cincinnati?
  • Most importantly, what’s with that stuff you call chili?

What’s with Cincinnati? explores the rich history of this thriving American city that has birthed presidents and cultural icons. Find out why Cincinnati was considered the Paris of the West and how a group of outspoken men and women helped thousands find freedom. Discover why locals bless you in German and learn the lingo to order a three-way like a real Cincinnatian. Find out how beer barons once ruled the city and what lurks 30 feet below. Learn how the city balances honoring the history and industrial innovation, and, most of all, learn what makes the city a domestic destination and a hidden gem for all to enjoy.


What’s With Cincinnati? by Micha O’Connor The book’s subtitle sums it up: “The Quirks, Personality and Charm of the Queen City.” Writing in a snappy magazine style, Micha O’Connor takes a stab at explaining what makes Cincinnati tick, from our favorite

Micha O'Connor tells us what makes Cincinnati unique in her new book.

What's With Cincinnati? author Micha O'Connor talks about her new book on Fox19.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in