Title: Amazing Nevada: Great Tales and Curiosities from “The Silver State”
Author: Janice Oberding
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781681064765
Price: $22.50
Nevada is the Silver State, and has much to offer. A culturally rich and diverse state, Nevada has something for everybody: from the glamourous nightlife of Las Vegas, to the tiny town of Virginia City where Samuel Clemens took the pen name Mark Twain and began his esteemed writing career. Some of the little known people, places and things you’ll discover in Amazing Nevada are: Rufus Anderson the man who was hanged three times in 1868, the prehistoric Devil’s Hole Pupfish who’ve existed in the same location for nearly 20,000 years, how billionaire Howard Hughes reshaped Nevada’s gaming industry, and the true story behind the hit 1980 film Somewhere in Time.
Author Janice Oberding is rightfully proud of Nevada, her home state. In Amazing Nevada, she presents a fascinating tour of Nevada, its unique places, history and things to see and do.
Nationally recognized Nevada author publishes books about quirky history of the Silver State – KOLO8
Her craft has landed her appearances on the Travel Channel, History Channel, and the Syfy network. But, this Nevada author does way more then just write books. Janice Oberding, is something of a renaissance woman. She’s a historian, lecturer, researcher, author,
Reading Reno: Janice Oberding publishes book about the stories and curiosities of the Silver State – KOLO8
Local author, Janice Oberding, has just published her latest book, Amazing Nevada. The Silver State has much to offer from the glamorous nightlife of Las Vegas, to the tiny town of Virginia City where Samuel Clemens took the pen name