Title: Secret Wichita: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure
Author: Vanessa Whiteside
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781681064932
Price: $27.00
Where in the city can you find an underground troll, an alley crawling with spiders, or a bar hidden behind a bookcase? Secret Wichita: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure takes you on an adventure to find the city’s interesting places and artifacts, unveiling the stories of people that make it unique.
Discover a warehouse of military tanks and a room of ancient coffins. Find out where to conduct a paranormal investigation, follow the yellow brick road, and view an extensive collection of sewing machines. Locals probably remember Joyland amusement park, but do they know the story of the Giant Thriller rollercoaster once located on an island in the middle of the city? How about the electric guitar’s debut in Wichita? Or Pizza Hut’s sauce recipe written on a napkin?
Learn the stories of people who left their mark, like mischief-maker Carry Nation, the original Buffalo Bill, and aviation pioneer Olive Ann Beech. Which man is responsible for establishing the city and naming it? Crack the spine of the book to find out.
Wichita native Vanessa Whiteside is your storytelling guide to off-beat locations and tucked-away treasures. Whether you’re a Wichitan or a tourist exploring the city for the first time, you’ll get to know a different side of the Doo-Dah.
Vanessa Whiteside – ICT Podcast
"It's a GET UP AND GO kind of book." Entrepreneurs are created when action is taken on the idea/dream burning inside. Vanessa took action and her life, her One Delightful Life, is the result.
Does Wichita have secrets? New book highlights more than 80 of them – The Wichita Eagle
Vanessa Whiteside is spilling Wichita’s secrets. Whiteside, a travel blogger and writer, again draws on her natural curiosity and the love of her hometown for her second Wichita-centric book published through Reedy Press.
Vanessa Whiteside: Author of Secret Wichita – Wichita Life Podcast
Today's guest is Vanessa Whiteside. This is Vanessa’s second time on the podcast. The first was to promote her book 100 Things to Do in Wichita Before You Die. This time we talk about her newest book, Secret Wichita, a
Wichita author uncovers secrets of her hometown in new book – KSN
If you’ve lived in Wichita long enough, you probably know of a few hidden gems around town. Maybe you’re aware of a bit of our city’s history that isn’t well-known.
Jive Talk (Secrets Revealed) – Bob and Jeff
Anything goes in this fun & fast pace segment which features a talk with author Vanessa Whiteside about her new book Secret Wichita.