Title: Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure
Author: Elizabeth Licata
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781681062594
Price: $22.50
What’s the true story behind the “buffalo” wing and why do Buffalonians refuse to call it that? Where is the nature preserve that was once an outlaw colony? And why are the citizens of Buffalo still arguing about its name? Find the answers to these questions and many more in Secret Buffalo, a guide to the mysteries, surprises, and incredible stories of this Gilded Age hub.
Now known for its architecture, food, and natural beauty, Buffalo’s history hides more than few gems to astound visitors and locals alike. Learn about Buffalo’s “firsts:” motion picture theater, railway suspension bridge, Olmsted-designed park system, and more. Try the best pizza in the United States, at least according to some residents.
Discover Buffalo’s underground public art, get the location of the only real speakeasy, travel the Underground Railroad, and make a bucket list of hidden parks to enjoy. It’s all here, and with local author Elizabeth Licata’s lifetime of exploration to guide you, you’ll be well on your way through the weird and wonderful sides of the Queen City. Uncover the secrets of a city you thought you knew.
My Favorite Books About the Rochester Area – Day Trips Around Rochester, NY
I have compiled a list of my favorite books about Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, and the surrounding regions, including the Genesee Valley, Finger Lakes, Western New York, Central New York, and the Southern Tier.
List of Most Popular Materials Borrowed in 2021 from Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries – Buffalo Rising
Adult Non-Fiction most popular titles – A Promised Land by Barack Obama Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure by Elizabeth Licata
3rd in a 3 Part Series: Smug Creek Gardens – Buffalo Rising
Upon interviewing Elizabeth Licata on her new book, Secret Buffalo – A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, we agreed that it would be fun to post three articles from the book. Together, we chose the articles, which was not
2nd in a 3 Part Series: Lockport Cave and Underground Boat Ride – Buffalo Rising
Upon interviewing Elizabeth Licata on her new book, Secret Buffalo – A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, we agreed that it would be fun to post three articles from the book. Together, we chose the articles, which was not
1st in a 3 Part Series: Second Life for a Demolished Landmark – Buffalo Rising
Upon interviewing Elizabeth Licata on her new book, Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, we agreed that it would be fun to post three articles from the book. Together, we chose the articles, which was not
A guide to becoming a more engaged Buffalonian – Buffalo Rising
A couple of months ago, a book arrived on my doorstep that I couldn’t wait to dive into. It’s title is Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, by author Elizabeth Licata (editor of Buffalo Spree). After
“Secret Buffalo” discussed with Elizabeth Licata – WBEN 930 AM
When thinking of Buffalo, topics that come to mind may include snow, chicken wings and a loyal fan base in regard to our sports teams. What people may not think about are Buffalo’s best-kept secrets.
UNVEILING BUFFALO: Elizabeth Licata reveals Buffalo’s hidden and not-so-hidden secrets – Amherst Bee
When thinking of Buffalo, topics that come to mind may include snow, chicken wings and a loyal fan base in regard to our sports teams. What people may not think about are Buffalo’s best-kept secrets.
New book explores Buffalo gems – Am-Pol Eagle
There are so many unique features of Buffalo and Western New York that contribute to making this community such a special place. This new book is a concise review of some interesting aspects of Buffalo culture, providing readers with some
It’s really not that much of a secret . . . – Jim Charlier Newsletter
My creative work isn't limited to graphic design and advertising. I also designed and built my own garden potting shed, which graces the cover of the new book, Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, Obscure by Elizabeth Licata,
NEW BOOKS: Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure – ArtVoice
Elizabeth Licata, the longtime editor of Buffalo Spree has compiled a book that explores the hidden gems, unique places, and interesting activities in the Buffalo area.
Books celebrate Buffalo’s towering City Hall: ‘Standing the test of time’ – The Buffalo News
Ferris' dramatic illustrations are also mentioned by Elizabeth Licata, local author and Buffalo Spree editor, in "The Wildest City Hall in the U.S.," an entry in her quirky new book, Secret Buffalo: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful and Obscure.