A special proclamation was the sweetest way to kick off the Sept. 26 Creve Coeur Council Meeting. That’s especially true because it honored long-time Creve Coeur citizen Justina Bricka, born on Valentine’s Day in 1943.
Bricka made it clear she was referring to all sports, not just the nation’s most well-known team sports. Referencing local author Ed Wheatley’s book St. Louis Sports Memories: Forgotten Teams and Moments from America’s Best Sports Town, Brick noted that 13 pages are devoted to tennis and much is said about the local prominence of bowling. In fact, Bricka is featured prominently in Wheatley’s book along with Carol Hanks Aucamp and Mary-Ann Eisel Beattie, who were collectively known as the “Golden Girls of Tennis,” when they played in the 1960s.