Title: Unique Eats and Eateries of the Twin Cities
Author: Terri Peterson Smith
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781681061108
Price: $20.95
From the moment millers such as the Pillsbury family brought grain down the Mississippi River to be made into flour, the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, have been a mecca for innovative local chefs, restauranteurs and food artisans. Today the Twin Cities boast one of the most vibrant culinary scenes in the country. Unique Eats & Eateries of the Twin Cities offers a tasty tour—from downtown fine dining destinations to dive bars, food trucks and the beloved State Fair. Along the way food lovers will explore great neighborhoods, visit thriving avenues of ethnic eateries, sample a few of the region’s quirkiest food traditions and discover its rich history, culture and personality. If you’re a life-long resident or a traveler ready for your first taste of the Cities, Unique Eats & Eateries of the Twin Cities offers a feast for your palate, for your senses and your sense of humor.