Title: Unique Eats and Eateries of Omaha
Author: Tim and Lisa Trudell
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781681062075
Price: $20.95
Omaha’s food landscape has grown from the old steak and potato days. Once known as the place to find great steak, nowadays you’re likely to find amazing vegetarian and fresh farm-to-table fare alongside the T-bones and ribeyes. Unique Eats and Eateries of Omaha pops open the top on a culinary scene that’s definitely not just for grandparents anymore. Explore the diverse dining options in Nebraska’s largest city, with recommendations for some of the best in local and international cuisine. Learn the stories of the geniuses behind the food, like internationally renowned chefs who have returned to Omaha for a slice of “The Good Life.” Try the burger at Block 16 dubbed the best in the world by Alton Brown. Tempt your taste buds at local gems like seasonally on point Dante, authentic Malara’s, or the extremely popular Runza. Whether it’s Nebraska’s first female James Beard nominee or a family that’s run their restaurant for generations, the personal touch of the talented chefs of Omaha has made it a true foodie destination. Co-authors Tim and Lisa Trudell make their living exploring, writing about, and eating all things Omaha. With this mouthwatering guide, they’ll take you on an exciting exploration of their hometown’s culinary tableau.