Title: Secret Jersey Shore: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure
Author: Mary Dixon Lebeau
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781681062822
Price: $22.50
Days spent on wide expanses of fine sand. Nights riding roller coasters and carousels, games of mini golf and ski-ball, and meals of thin crust pizza and hand-dipped ice cream. The Atlantic coast beaches and boardwalks shout “Jersey Shore.”
But beyond the usual haunts lie fortune tellers and forgotten animals, rum runners and voodoo bunkers, pinball wizards and paranormal hubs. The Jersey Shore holds secrets you’ll never see listed on a travel brochure. Discover all of these and more while you learn their stories in Secret Jersey Shore: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure.
Journey to places you’ve never heard of and revisit those old haunts you thought you knew. Take a trip from the Nike Missiles in Sandy Hook to the underground railroad ties in Cape May. Visit solemn memorials to roadside oddities, from pirate hideouts to pet cemeteries, and from local heroes and beauty queens. Say the Pledge of Allegiance on the site where it was first recited, learn the true legend of Molly Pitcher, and allow a former Miss America to place that coveted tiara upon your head. Lifetime local Mary Dixon Lebeau invites you to visit the full expanse of the Jersey Shore and bring back more than just a good tan. You’ll find treasure as you dig into the secrets buried in these pages.