Title: Santa Barbara Know-It-All: A Guide to Everything That Matters
Author: Michael Cervin
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781681061375
Price: $20.95
Any travel book about Santa Barbara should be informative and entertaining. Only this travel book is informative, entertaining and funny. Santa Barbara Know-It-All believes a sense of humor while traveling is essential to making your visit memorable, and even making it a little bit idiosyncratic, or maybe quirky. No, we’re going with idiosyncratic. Unique in its approach, Santa Barbara Know-It-All is packed with Santa Barbara’s hidden gems and undiscovered wonders, from the best places to picnic, hike, to places for booze, local foods, shopping, not to mention trivia and unusual truths that make Santa Barbara distinctive. Everything in this book has been vetted personally by the author; he’s eaten at each restaurant, stayed at each hotel, gone scuba diving at the Channel Islands, paragliding over Santa Barbara, run along the beaches and overturned each proverbial rock so you can discover exactly what makes Santa Barbara, you know, Santa Barbara. The 25 Questions True or False Quiz will test your knowledge of Santa Barbara so you too can be a smarty pants about America’s Riviera. If you’re going to travel to Santa Barbara, then travel funny.