Title: Amazing Ashville: The Most Colorful Community in America
Author: Bob Hines
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781681062525
Price: $20.95
In the heart of the Buckeye State, nestled in the Teays Valley lies one of the most colorful rural communities in the United States. In Amazing Ashville, you’ll find a guide to all the weird and wonderful aspects of this Ohio community unlike any other, just waiting for you to unearth its uncounted mysteries. Visit one of the best free museums in the country, Ohio’s Small Town Museum and learn the story behind its plaque proclaiming its own self-reliance. Hear countless tales of small town lore, like the rooster that paid for his own meals, the egg laid by an artistic goose, or the strange story of the Abdominal Snowman. The town may only boast a population of a few thousand these days, but they pull out all the stops each year for the Fourth of July—even attracting national media attention. Local author Bob Hines takes you on a fascinating tour of the town he’s proud to call home. It may be home to the first traffic light, but with Amazing Ashville to lead you, you’ll want to stop by for much longer than it takes the light to change.