Title: 100 Things to Do in San Francisco Before You Die, Second Edition
Author: Kimberley Lovato and Jill K. Robinson
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781681061658
Price: $16.00
How could we stop at only one hundred things to do in a city like San Francisco? We cheated a little bit. There are one hundred items listed in the table of contents, but more than one hundred addresses inside the pages of 100 Things to Do in San Francisco Before You Die. No book on San Francisco would be true to itself without mentioning landmarks like cable cars, the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, Fisherman’s Wharf, the Presidio, the Ferry Building, and Coit Tower. But turn the pages and you’ll fall deeper into San Francisco. We tell you which hotels have the hippest bar scenes, where to eat egg tarts in Chinatown, and what exactly a Mission-style burrito is. We point the way to a world-renowned tequila bar in the back of a family restaurant and to some of the city’s best neighborhood street fairs. We’ve covered the best museums, including one that hosts a weekly cocktail party. We also tell you where to shop for tie-dye, browse for local art, listen to live music and follow in the footsteps of the Beat Generation.
This second edition of 100 Things to Do in San Francisco Before You Die invites you to climb some of San Francisco’s tiled stairways and hills, take a guided walking tour, practice yoga on a labyrinth, hike along the coastal bluffs and beaches, and pedal your way around town. From colorful neighborhood murals to little-known historical sites, there’s something to satisfy your curiosity. And whether you’re visiting for the first time or make your home in the City by the Bay, we’re sure you’ll leave your heart in San Francisco.
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Fancy a cozy live music venue? Want to follow in the footsteps of the Beat Generation? Or take a coastal hike? Discover it all, and more, including the best tequila bar, inside the book 100 Things To Do In San