Title: 100 Things to Do in Fort Wayne Before You Die
Author: Terri Richardson
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781681063188
Price: $17.00
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An easy drive from almost every major midwestern city and full of adventures and history, it’s no wonder Fort Wayne, Indiana always makes the list of the top places to live. With outdoor activities, a burgeoning food scene, and plenty for the whole family, you’ll need help winnowing down the list of attractions. Enter 100 Things to Do in Fort Wayne Before You Die, your insider guide to Indiana’s second-largest city. Go wild at the city’s 40-acre zoo and get tips about the best time to catch the legendary Croaky in action.
Fort Wayne is known as “The City of Churches,” but do you know which one has a bowling alley in the basement? Catch a minor league baseball game, order a drink from a rooftop overlooking the city or spend an evening touring downtown in a romantic carriage ride. This guide offers the top food and drink, live music and entertainment, culture and history attractions, sporting events, recreation and shopping, all with the personal touch of a longtime resident’s recommendations.
Local author and journalist Terri Richardson brings three decades of experience in the Fort to all of her carefully crafted itineraries and suggestions. So grab a Coney dog and your copy of this book for a great time exploring Fort Wayne’s many offerings.
Terri Richardson – WOWO On Demand
Terri Richardson, Author of 100 Things To Do In Fort Wayne Before You Die joined “Fort Wayne’s Morning News” to discuss her new book.
Bonus Interview: “100 Things To Do In Fort Wayne Before You Die” – Terri Richardson – Andy in the Morning, Majic 95.1
Interview with Terri Richardson, author of 100 Things to Do in Fort Wayne Before You Die.