Title: 100 Things to Do in Chattanooga Before You Die, Second Edition
Author: Alexi Ruth Engesath
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781681061597
Price: $16.00
How in less than one generation did Chattanooga transform itself from America’s Dirtiest City to the Scenic City? By embracing its history, cleaning up its act, bringing art into its communities, and building some first-class tourist attractions. Surrounded by natural wonders, Chattanooga has become a mecca for hikers, bikers, and thrill seekers looking for their next adrenaline high. History buffs can explore Chattanooga’s complicated past, from the Civil War to civil rights. In 100 Things to Do in Chattanooga Before You Die, you’ll find a new adventure on every page, with seasonal events and detailed itineraries to serve as your own personal tour guide. Sample award-winning whiskey. Find the best burger in town. Tour the Paradise Gardens. And of course, See Rock City! Tourists and locals alike are sure to find something new to try. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and explore. Adventure awaits!