Amy Woods


Amy Woods’s byline has appeared in magazines and newspapers across the country. From her first job at the Key West Citizen to her most recent positions at the Palm Beach Post, the Coastal Star, and Florida Weekly—with a stint in between at the Orange County Register in California—she has covered everything from art and culture to entertainment and sports to environmental and philanthropic causes. A Sunshine State native, she is a collector of Florida landscape paintings, a kayaker and a paddleboarder, and a lover of the outdoors.


Writer/reporter Amy Woods is celebrating the publication of her informative new guidebook, 100 Things to Do in Jupiter Before You Die from Reedy Press. A longtime player in the South Florida media market, her byline is very familiar to readers

Writer/reporter Amy Woods is celebrating the publication of her informative new guidebook, 100 Things to Do in Jupiter Before You Die from Reedy Press. A longtime player in the South Florida media market, her byline is very familiar to readers of The Palm Beach

Toast to Jupiter at Charlie & Joe’s at Love Street on September 28. The waterfront venue will set the scene for a public book launch and signing event for Amy Woods’ new guidebook, 100 Things to Do in Jupiter Before


Coming soon!