Robert Pauly

Robert Pauly, Curator of the St. Louis Fire Department Museum since 1997, is considered the leading historian of the St. Louis Fire Department, particularly stations and apparatus. His interest in the department dates to the early 1960s when he first met members of Engine Company 8 at a school picnic at the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in North St. Louis. His photos and historical contributions have been published in numerous fire service publications during the past 50 years and he has been recognized by the City of St. Louis with several proclamations for his dedication and service.
Schankman’s St. Louis: A new Look at the City’s Old Firehouses – HEC Media
In this edition of Schankman's St. Louis, we explore the pages of a new book featuring photos of old St. Louis firehouses, dating back to the days when it was an all-volunteer organization using horse drawn wagons to respond to