Karen Dybis

Michigan native Karen Dybis is a Metro Detroit journalist who has blogged for Time magazine, worked the business desk at The Detroit News, and jumped on breaking stories for a variety of publications. Dybis, a local history buff, is the author of three other books: The Ford-Wyoming Drive-In: Cars, Candy & Canoodling in the Motor City, Better Made in Michigan: TheSalty Story of Detroit’s Best Chip, and The Witch of Delray: Rose Veres & Detroit’s Infamous 1930s Murder Mystery. Her favorite secret writing spot is the Kresge Court inside the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Women. Words. Detroit. – Hour Detroit
Former Detroit News staffer Dybis has written multiple books about the area, including The Ford-Wyoming Drive In: Cars, Candy, and Canoodling in the Motor City (2014); Better Made in Michigan: The Salty Story of Detroit's Best Chip (2015); The Witch
Library events week of Nov. 3 – Macomb Daily
Local author Karen Dybis will give a presentation on her latest work, Secret Detroit: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful and Obscure at 7 p.m. Nov. 6. Presentation is free.Â
Michigan best-selling book list by Michigan authors for July, 2018 – Morning Sun
10) Karen Dybis, Secret Detroit: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure (Reedy Press) [tie].
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