Jeff Berg
Jeff Berg has lived in New Mexico for nearly twenty-five years, with nearly half that time being spent in Santa Fe, which is also known as the city weird, by local wags. Santa Fe does have its own touch of weird, which Berg covers, while offering information, hints, and tips for visitors, would-be residents, bug-lovers, and locals alike.
Author Jeff Berg adds to collection of work with ‘100 Things to do in Santa Fe Before You Die’ – New Mexico Living
From writing a book on New Mexico filmmaking to all of the movies made in the state, author Jeff Berg is quite familiar with Land of Enchantment. His latest book, 100 Things to do in Santa Fe Before You Die proves
Your latest guide to a Santa Fe bucket list – Albuquerque Journal
Think you know the City Different? After reading 100 Things to Do in Santa Fe Before You Die, you may have to think again.
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